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The Flying Pig, Amsterdam

Amsterdam is the home of legal vices, whether it be women and alcohol or drug use. It is such a peculiar feeling to be able to explore various coffee shops and have a menu of different marijuana strains from around the world. Naturally since it is legal here I gave it a go. Smoking in Amsterdam is a bucket list item that was always more of a novelty check. I recall saying that once I tryna marijuana in The Netherlands I will never need to smoke again. This is actually seeming to ring quite true. My 26th birthday is approaching and this trip is the precursor to what I hope will be succesful years of work and continued traveling. So it felt very suiting to smoke my last marijuana cigarette here. I was able to rent a bicycle and do some solo exploring without my travel partner. It felt great to see the various communities outside of Amsterdam's heavily tourist populated areas. If you are looking for a local experience you need to go west. This is where people do not charge erroneous prices for food and other goods. The bike was a great investment and at 25 euros a day for 4 days it has saved my feet to be able to walk in other countries following The Netherlands. I really would not recommend walking here because it seems as a pedestrian you are the lowest thing on the totem pole of traffick. Bikes hold the right away at all junctions and can be parked just about anywhere with the exception of gates and bridges. The hostel accommodations are pretty spectacular as well! Free breakfast at the Flying Pig that includes two types of bread with various jams and butters, fruit and some local veggies, cereals and milk. The staff is super friendly and willing to point you in the right direction or share a spliff in the smoking room over some light conversation. All in all the people of The Netherlands are so friendly and personable. A great deal of them speak perfect English and even at 6:45 in the morning after a long night of making memories, feeding swans on the canal in a houseboat and drinking Heineken; will gladly help you find your hostel and wish you a pleasant stay. It has been a fun two days so far and I look forward to the next two before departing to Barcelona for some sunshine and beautiful sandy beaches.

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